
Let’s face it, MEP might as well be EEE these days. There aren’t very many systems that don’t require power in a commercial build anymore. Choosing the right electrical contractor can make or break your project. Coordination is paramount to ensure an on time and under budget build.

So many times the specified branch or feeder circuits and mechanical drawings don’t align with the approved mechanical equipment. If your EC isn’t paying attention, they won’t hesitate to hit you with a demo and rework change to cover the cost. At Mountain Electric we do our best to cross-reference every source and communicate with every trade to minimize schedule and cost impacts caused these mismatches.

Whether you have a ground up project or you’re building out an existing space you’ll need a partner you can rely on. Don’t settle for a budget contractor that will only cost more in the long run. Mountain Electric has the experience necessary to coordinate a successful electrical installation on all projects. From fast paced quick turn projects, to well planned out projects that include weeks of BIM, we’ll make every effort to help drive teamwork and efficiency with every trade on site.

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